R.I.P.D. (2013) download

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 Boston Police Department officers Detective Sergeant Nick Walker and Detective Lieutenant Bobby Hayes steal gold discovered on duty. During a subsequent raid, Hayes kills Walker to prevent him from returning the gold. In the afterlife, Walker is recruited by Mildred Proctor, Head of the Boston Police Department of the 'Rest In Peace Department' (R.I.P.D.): an agency of deceased police officers from many different eras who investigate, capture, and often destroy the renegade ghosts known as "deadoes" who stay on Earth as monsters. Walker is thereupon assigned as junior partner to Roycephus Pulsipher, a former U.S. Marshal and soldier of the American Civil War.

Walker and Pulsipher attend Walker's funeral, where Walker learns that R.I.P.D. officers are assigned disguises concealing their true forms. After failing to communicate with his wife, Julia, Walker accompanies Pulsipher to arrest suspect Stanley Nawlicki, who is eventually destroyed by Pulsipher. Pieces of gold identical to those Walker stole, are found in Nawlicki's possession. Walker and Pulsipher then meet with Pulsipher's informant Elliot, whom Walker dupes into identifying Hayes as his contact. Walker and Pulsipher follow Hayes to Walker's old house, where Hayes retrieves Walker's share of the gold. After quarreling over the stolen gold, they watch Hayes throw the gold at the walls, causing the house to rot and fall apart. Walker and Pulsipher are suspended from the investigation; but continue their pursuit after learning the pieces of gold are components of the 'Staff of Jericho', a machine capable of reversing the passage of souls from life to afterlife.

Walker and Pulsipher capture Hayes, now identified as a deado; but Hayes and other deados (including Pulaski) escape, seize the components of the Staff of Jericho, and return to Earth. While the deados assemble the Staff of Jericho, Hayes kidnaps Julia as a human sacrifice to activate it. There, Pulsipher destroys the Staff of Jericho and Walker destroys Hayes, but Julia is injured by Hayes. She is close to death, but Walker tells her she must live. She is later seen recovering in the hospital, being checked by Proctor. Proctor reinstates Walker and Pulsipher, gives Walker a new disguise for his dissatisfaction with the previous, and adds 53 more years to Pulsipher's term in R.I.P.D.

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